Saturday, May 7, 2011

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Stem Cell Company's Stock Trading Volumes Remain High - Advanced Cell Tech.

Bill Caldwell, Chairman and CEO of Advanced Cell Technology, tells Proactive Investors that while the stem cell company is on the verge of major breakthroughs he is confident it has sufficient cash to get through the next two years. He is also encouraged by the high trading volumes in ACTC stock and says this, combined with the stock price, represents nothing more than an option with no expiration date for investors.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First Clinical Trial against Macular Degeneration BY ACT

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared the Advanced Cell Technology, Inc.'s Investigational New Drug (IND) application to immediately initiate a Phase I/II multicenter clinical trial using retinal cells derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) to treat patients with Stargardt's Macular Dystrophy (SMD), one of the most common forms of juvenile macular degeneration in the world. The decision removed the clinical hold that the FDA had placed on the trial.

Stargardt's Macular Dystrophy causes progressive vision loss, usually starting in children between 10 to 20 years of age. Eventually, blindness results from photoreceptor loss associated with degeneration in the pigmented layer of the retina, called the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). "There is currently no treatment for Stargardt’s disease,” said Dr. Robert Lanza, ACT’s Chief Scientific Officer. “Using stem cells, we can generate a virtually unlimited supply of healthy RPE cells, which are the first cells to die off in SMD and other forms of macular degeneration. We’ve tested these cells in animal models of eye disease. In rats, we’ve seen 100% improvement in visual performance over untreated animals without any adverse effects. Our studies showed that the cells were capable of extensive rescue of photoreceptors in animals that otherwise would have gone blind. Near-normal function was also achieved in a mouse model of Stargardt’s disease. We hope to see a similar benefit in patients with various forms of macular degeneration.”

The Phase I/II trial will be a prospective, open-label study that is designed to determine the safety and tolerability of the RPE cells following sub-retinal transplantation to patients with advanced SMD. A total of twelve patients will be enrolled in the study at multiple clinical sites. The sites which are currently under consideration are the Jules Stein Eye Institute at UCLA (headed by Dr. Steven Schwartz); the Casey Eye Institute in Portland, Oregon (headed by Dr. Peter Francis of the Oregon Health Sciences University); the University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, Massachusetts (headed by Dr. Shalesh Kaushal, Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology); the UMDNJ “ New Jersey Medical School in Newark, New Jersey (headed by Dr. Marco Zarbin, Chair, Institute of Ophthalmology and Visual Science); additional sites may be considered.

Earlier this year the FDA also granted Orphan Drug designation for the company’s RPE cells. As a result, the company is eligible to receive a number of benefits, including tax credits, access to grant funding for clinical trials such as this one, accelerated FDA approval, and allowance for marketing exclusivity after drug approval for a period of as long as seven years.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

How can you protect your face and body from skin infections?

Our body has an immune system, and our body parts are wrapped up in a natural shield, that protects us from many types of infections. Yes, I am speaking about the skin. Our skin provides us the first line of defense. It prevents the entry of germs, be it bacteria, virus, fungi, or other microbes. This microoragisms penetrates our body, from the cracked skin. However, this is not only the point, from where they can find an access to your body. They can enter through other openings, such as eye, ear, mouth, open wounds, etc. Our main concern lies with the fact that, how can we protect ourselves from skin infections?

The first lesson I had learnt from my mother was to keep yourself clean, and wash your hands thoroughly, and it is the basic step to protect yourself from germs. Do not ignore the first symptom, if you feel that your skin is itching, or you feel burning sensation, it means you are caught up with some kind of skin infection. Apart from this, if you have cuts, bruises, blisters or sores, or anything that is making you uneasy, get it treated on time. Otherwise, these small things turn out into severe illness.

Diabetes is also among a few reasons, which can enhance your skin infection. We know that a diabetic person takes a longer time to heal up his injuries. Thus, the germs get more opportunity to attack your skin, and get your skin infected. Cellulitis is the most common type of bacterial skin infection, and a diabetic person can get infected with Cellulitis more frequently. It is treated with the help of antibiotics. It is safer to use an antiseptic soap beforehand, to avoid such infections. The antiseptic soaps can kill the bacteria, viruses and fungi that are harboured by your skin. Most importantly, keep a regular check on diabetes.

If you have cuts or abrasion, do not leave your skin open. Apply medicated tape or bandages on the damaged skin area, to avoid skin infections. Clean the area with any antibacterial product and get it treated by the doctor.

Do not share your things with others, and do not use the thing that belongs to anyone else. Skin infections can spread by the use of contaminated things, from direct contact with the infected person or neglecting hygiene. Bath daily, and keep yourself clean. Sometimes, bacterial skin infection also spread through air, so washing your hand frequently can save you from skin infection.

Wear loose-fitting and properly washed clothes, after bathing. Many times, fungus thrives in moist environment; so, keep your self dry, as far as possible. Change your cloth that has become wet due to sweating, or by some other reasons. Do not wear tight-fitting and sweaty shoes to protect your foot from the skin infections.

At last, keeping clean can save you from so many skin infections, why not try it?

Friday, June 11, 2010

To know more about MRSA Skin Infection

MRSA is an acronym for Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a type of bacteria that has become resistant to many antibiotics, including methicillin, penicillin, amoxicillin, and cephalosporins. It is routinely pronounced M.R.S.A. MRSA Skin Infection are now very common among healthy children and adults in the community. Your pediatrician will likely suspect that an infection, such as a leg abscess, is caused by MRSA if it isn't improving with routine antibiotics. In that case, the abscess may need to be drained or the would need to be changed to a stronger or different antibiotic to treat the infection. MRSA Skin Infection is highly contagious and can be contracted simply by touching something an infected person has touched with the infection on their hands and then touching yourself somewhere.
MRSA-infected skin can change from skin or surface irritations to abscesses. This germ can infect the blood, bones, tendons, skin and all surrounding tissue. It can survive on objects and surfaces for more than 24 hours. Pus from skin sores can spread to other body parts or to other people. Infections can be found in crowds of people such as schools, gyms, teams and jails. MRSA is usually spread by physical direct contact of the skin secretions with bacteria or pus. It is spread through towels, keys, sheets, and work areas that have the germ on them.

Preventing the Spread of MRSA

One of the most important factors in MRSA prevention though is helping to prevent MRSA infection from spreading to others . In addition to keeping suspected MRSA infection covered, it is important to see your pediatrician so that it can be properly treated. If the wound is draining and can't be completely covered, then it should likely be excluded, so that it doesn't infect other pepole. Also, it is important to wash your clothing, towels, and bedding in hot water .

Monday, May 31, 2010

Preventing Yeast Skin Infection

Skin infections are commonly found in many people and a majority of these infections heals without the need for medical intervention. They are caused by bacteria in most of the cases. Yeast skin infections can strike at just about anyone, and they are also called intertrigo. Essentially, they are caused by an overabundance of the bacteria Candida albicans. This bacteria is found naturally on your skin, and normally it works to keep you healthy. However, in situations where other helpful bacteria are not present or where there are conditions that encourage this bacteria to grow out of control, an infection can result. Yeast infections are caused by a fungus called candida albicans. Yeast is always present in the vagina, but an overgrowth of yeast is the problem. Yeast is generally a harmless fungus that is always found in the vagina, digestive tract, and mouth in small amounts, but when an imbalance occurs, the candida multiplies which causes an overgrowth and results in a yeast infection.

Yeast skin infection can have many different causes. You'll find that it will happen where skin touches skin, such as in the groin, the armpits, underneath breasts or in folds of fat. This can create an environment that is very conducive to the multiplication of bacteria, but you'll find that this is not the only factor. Preventing yeast infections is the most important thing and we should all concentrate on this because it will be very beneficial to our health.

Some of the measures that prevent yeast infections are:

* Maintain clean vaginal area; change sanitary pads or tampons frequently; avoid douching
* Use cotton underpants
* Do not share towels and washcloths
* Eat more vegetables, protein and grains; consume a lot of yogurt that has live acidophilus bacteria; avoid processed foods, sugars and alcohol
* Take daily supplements designed to help prevent the recurrence of a yeast infection; use antibiotics only when necessary

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Causes and Symptoms of Staph Skin Infection

Staph is a germ normally found on the skin or inside the nose of many people. Most people with staph on their skin or in their nose have no symptoms.
Because staph can easily enter a cut or scrape, it is a common cause of skin infections. Sometimes, the germs get into the blood and cause serious illness or severe pneumonia during influenza (“flu”) season.
“MRSA” is a kind of staph that is resistant to some antibiotics. This kind of staph is common in hospitals.
“CA-MRSA” is a resistant kind of staph that causes infections outside hospitals.

What are the symptoms?
Skin infection caused by staph are usually red and painful.
Some start as a painful bump that seems like a spider bite, but quickly become an abscess (boil) filled with pus and germs.
How does staph spread?
Touching skin-to-skin can spread staph from one person to another.
Staph can be picked up from surfaces that are often touched, like phones or doorknobs. Sometimes shared personal items, like towels, soap, or sports equipment can spread staph.
Pus from an abscess is especially contagious on skin or surfaces.

How can I avoid staph infections?
• Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or hand sanitizer.
• Use your own towels, soap, and other personal items; do not share these.
• Clean shared athletic equipment before use.
If I get a staph infection, how can I keep it from spreading to others?
• Keep a clean dry dressing over the infected area, especially if there is pus.
• Pay extra attention to cleanliness and wash your hands frequently.
• Do not share linens, towels or other personal items with others.
• When possible, use hot water and a hot dryer for your laundry.